Oct 8th, 2008| 07:55 pm | Posted by hlee
All of a sudden, partially owing to a thought provoking talk about visualization by Felice Frankel at IIC, I recollected a book, The Grammar of Graphics by Leland Wilkinson (2nd Ed. – I partially read the 1st ed. and felt little of use several years ago because there seemed no link for visualization of data from astronomy.) Continue reading ‘[Book] The Grammar of Graphics’ »
Apr 8th, 2008| 04:32 pm | Posted by vlk
For people in the Boston area, a cornucopia of talks on Google Sky in the near future.
- Hunting for Needles in Massive Astronomical Data Streams
Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 4pm
Room 330, 60 Oxford St.
Ryan Scranton, Google Sky Team
- Inside Google Sky
Wednesday, April 9, 2008 at 8pm
Room 105, Emerson Hall
Andrew Connolly, Google Sky Team
- Sky in Google Earth
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 1pm
Phillips Auditorium, 60 Garden
Alberto Conti & Carol Christian, STScI
May 30th, 2007| 11:11 am | Posted by hlee
John Rice is visiting IIC. The meeting and his talk is scheduled on Friday, June 8, at 11:30am (room 403 at 60 Oxford St.).
Title: Event Weighted Tests for Periodicity in a Sequence of Photon Arrival Times:
Detecting Gamma-ray Pulsars.
[Added] Another meeting is scheduled at the stat dept. located in Science Center, 4-6pm, Wednesday (June 6th).