Posts tagged ‘mixture models’

[ArXiv] Poisson Mixture, Aug. 16, 2007

From arxiv/
Estimating the number of classes by Mao and Lindsay

This study could be linked to identifying the number of lines from Poisson nature x-ray count data, one of the key interests for astronomers. However, as pointed by the authors, estimating the numbers of classes is a difficult statistical problem. I.J.Good[1] said that

I don’t believe it is usually possible to estimate the number of species, but only an appropriate lower bound to that number. This is because there is nearly always a good chance that there are a very large number of extremely rare species.

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  1. courtesy of the paper: Estimating the number of species: A review by Bunge and Fitzpatrick (1993), JASA, 88, 364-373.[]