Posts tagged ‘cross-validation’

[ArXiv] classifying spectra

Variable Selection and Updating In Model-Based Discriminant Analysis for High Dimensional Data with Food Authenticity Applications
by Murphy, Dean, and Raftery

Classifying or clustering (or semi supervised learning) spectra is a very challenging problem from collecting statistical-analysis-ready data to reducing the dimensionality without sacrificing complex information in each spectrum. Not only how to estimate spiky (not differentiable) curves via statistically well defined procedures of estimating equations but also how to transform data that match the regularity conditions in statistics is challenging.
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[ArXiv] Cross Validation

Statistical Resampling Methods are rather unfamiliar among astronomers. Bootstrapping can be an exception but I felt like it’s still unrepresented. Seeing an recent review paper on cross validation from [arXiv] which describes basic notions in theoretical statistics, I couldn’t resist mentioning it here. Cross validation has been used in various statistical fields such as classification, density estimation, model selection, regression, to name a few. Continue reading ‘[ArXiv] Cross Validation’ »

Cross-validation for model selection

One of the most frequently cited papers in model selection would be An Asymptotic Equivalence of Choice of Model by Cross-Validation and Akaike’s Criterion by M. Stone, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), Vol. 39, No. 1 (1977), pp. 44-47.
(Akaike’s 1974 paper, introducing Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), is the most often cited paper in the subject of model selection).
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[ArXiv] Kernel Regression, June 20, 2007

One of the papers from arxiv/astro-ph discusses kernel regression and model selection to determine photometric redshifts astro-ph/0706.2704. This paper presents their studies on choosing bandwidth of kernels via 10 fold cross-validation, choosing appropriate models from various combination of input parameters through estimating root mean square error and AIC, and evaluating their kernel regression to other regression and classification methods with root mean square errors from literature survey. They made a conclusion of flexibility in kernel regression particularly for data at high z.
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